Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Room 101

New topic alert!

This time we're doing a Speaking and Listening assessment on what we'd put in Room 101.

The fantastic website Wikipedia describes Room 101 as 'a place introduced in the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell. It is a torture chamber in the Ministry of Love in which the Party attempts to subject a prisoner to his or her own worst nightmare, fear or phobia'.

This assessment took on the format of the TV show, which can be found on another miraculous website... Youtube!

My worst nightmare!
The aim of this assessment was to make a persuasive speech that encourages everyone to put your object into Room 101. For me, that object would be party poppers!  My hatred for party poppers is so violent though that it didn't make for presentation material. Instead, I decided to put 'Hipsters' into Room 101. 

We had to analyse persuasive techniques found in spoken language. This includes things like List of Three, metaphors, anecdotes and repetition. We also listened to this famous speech made in 1992 ( for inspiration. 

If I can give you any advice it's to be confident. Project your voice and know what you're talking about; nothing's worse than making a speech about the illegal capture of narwhals when as far as you're concerned they're just underwater unicorns. 


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